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x -- Super Game -- x

• Look:

- I need 5 person.
- Each person will make an album named "For xItsANewGenerationxD" .
- Have to write how do you want to be the world over 50 years .
- Who have the best idea, will be the winner.

For the winner:
10 artistic pics, 5 pics with who you wanna and an album for u. =]

--Crazy idea, no? =]--
--So, let's be crazy guys =]--

P:S: If you wanna, write in Romanian.

---Bwaa vad ca nu vrea nimeni..o sa sterg albumu'---
LoGo <3
LoGo <3

Comments • 3

Lov3Musik 31 March 2011  
☻ →`Nice
xStrawberryShortcakex 27 March 2011  
•`Ok,is nice
AndreKaulitz 26 March 2011  
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